Looking for Walls, Fences and Gates Planning Permission?

Our planners and architects can help!

Walls, Fences and Gates Planning Permission

If you are considering building a wall, fence or gate, you are probably wondering whether you need planning permission or not?

The good news is that walls, fence and gates can often be built under permitted development rights which means planning permission may not be required. However, this is only provided it meets all the necessary criteria to comply with permitted development.

If there are any constraints that limit or remove your permitted development rights you will need planning permission for everything inclduing a small wall, fence or gate, even if it meets the requirements for permitted development.

The most common reason people receive enforcements is that they have read the permitted development criteria on the planning portal and built their wall, fence or gate in line with this. However, not realising their permitted development rights were removed they subsequently receive an enforcement because planning permission was actually required.

If you would like to find out what is required for your wall, fence or gate, the likelihood of success or the costs associated with applying for planning permission please contact us to speak with one of our expert planning consultants today.

Do you need planning permission for a wall, fence or gate?

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Potential Constraints

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Can you build without first submitting an application?

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How to Apply for Planning Permission for a Wall, fence or gate

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So, what next?

Studio Charrette can help you and take all of the stress out of this complicated process. Don’t hesitate, contact us now!

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